About ‘Air’
__________________________ For the German text click here__________________________LMNZ is back – although he never left. For a long time he was involved in other artists’ projects, more than 700 workshops in…
__________________________ For the German text click here__________________________LMNZ is back – although he never left. For a long time he was involved in other artists’ projects, more than 700 workshops in…
1. Ideasfeat. Masta Ace, Flo Mega & DJ Robert Smith produced by Eh Behaart A. Gauland & LMNZScratches by DJ Robert Smithlyrics written by LMNZ & Masta AceFlo Mega appears…
Get the latest infos about the album 'Air' from LMNZFirst EP of the 'Elements Series'ORDER NOW (Vinyl) ORDER NOW (Digital) About the albumTracklistLyrics Photo by Danny Schreiber
Photo by Kayodi LMNZ started making his own music in 2001 and is a professional independent artist since 2010.He produces instrumentals, writes lyrics, composes, arranges music,raps, mixes, masters and records…